CF Fence’s gates are manufactured with 1 and 5/8 galvanized pipe, utilizing their distinctive ripple pipe design. They come in standard sizes 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, and 18 feet, but may be customized to meet special requirements.
Included in CF Fence’s line of gates are domestic deergates which are 8 feet high and come in standard lengths or may be custom ordered. Available in different styles, plain frame with heavy mesh or frame and mesh with extra cross rails, these gates are useful for orchardists and vineyards whose property is surrounded by 8’ deer fence and need access to various areas via companion gates.
Hog mesh gates are another item in CF Fence’s line of gates. Made with ¼” galvanized mesh welded onto a pre-existing gate to keep small large animals in or out of certain areas.
Calf Creeper gates consist of a small panel approximately 28 inches wide by 5 feet high with an opening 22 inches wide by 34 inches high. This gate is designed to allow passage of a calf but not a cow, thereby allowing calves entrance into little pens or enclosed areas to escape bad weather/get to calf supplements.

The gate above is a custom gate frame for the Naramata Seniors Housing for their entrance.
It is made of 1" x 2" tubing for strength so they can screw precut wooden lathing on it to match their fence. Both gates have drop pins to hold the gate open if needed, and the latch is made of a used horse shoe that I hammered out to make it longer instead of rounder.

Custom Gate

Custom Gate

Custom Gate